
Showing posts from May, 2020

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

"By the time Alex managed to get the blood out of her good wool coat, it was too warm to wear it."         Alex Stern elevates from a life of drug use, manipulating ex boyfriends and poverty, to a life of academic pursuit and ghost busting in Yale University. Her unique ability to see apparitions of the deceased (which, as you guessed correctly, is the reason for said drug use), is her winning ticket into Lethe House, one of the secret, supernatural Yale Societies, which is in charge of monitoring all the other secret, supernatural Yale Societies. She has the great fortune of being mentored by Darlington, who introduces her to the mystic world of the societies and their spooky-to-say-the-least rituals and prepare her to, well, basically, be the sole active member of House Lethe when he graduates. There's also a little romance blossoming between them but it's cut short because he disappears -and yet his presence lingers.    Most important however, is the myst

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

"I have a theory. Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them."    Lucy and Joshua work together in publishing as assistants to the two CEO s. They spend 50 hours a week alone together in their office and they absolutely hate each other (or DO  they? Seriously, I was confused at the beginning because the sexual tension was as potent as tear gas). Why do they "hate" each other you ask? Well I understand Lucy's detest, as Joshua is always being a condescending jerk towards her, but what is his problem? My diagnosis is that he suffers from Mr Darcy Syndrome.  Big promotion opportunity arrives and their competitive spirit and ambition surges forward, but is overshadowed when one fateful day Mr Darcy, em sorry, I meant Mr Joshua kisses Lucy in the elevator and from then on it's one big and absolutely hilarious build up leading to a very anticipated and steamy sex scene and of course to their emotional fulfillment.  This is