
Showing posts from June, 2020

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

"When people ask me what I do - taxi drivers, dental hygienists - I tell them I work in an office. In almost nine years, no one's ever asked me what kind of office, or what sort of job I do there. I can't decide whether that's because I fit perfectly with their idea of what an office worker looks like, or whether people hear the phrase " work in an office" and automatically fill in the blanks themselves - lady doing photocopying, man tapping at a keyboard. I'm not complaining. I'm delighted that I don't have to get into the fascinating intricacies of accounts receivable with them." This is the story of Eleanor Oliphant, a 31 year-old woman who lives a lonely life. She goes through the same routine everyday, wears the same clothes, eats the same food, drowns her denial and despair in the same vodka every weekend and has convinced herself that she is "fine".  On one extremely rare outing at a pub gig she develops a li

Crescent City by Sarah J Maas

"There was a wolf at the gallery door." Bryce Quinlan, a half-human/half-fae citizen of Crescent City, works as an antiquities dealer assistant in a witch's gallery during the day and parties hard with her friends at night (clubs, booze, drugs, the works). One fateful night she comes home to discover her friends murdered in the most gruesome manner, and her life changes dramatically.  Even though the "culprit" has been "apprehended", two years later someone's body is found in the same way her friends' were and the Archangel and Governor of CC, Micah, asks Bryce to help solve the case together with his personal assassin, Hunt (*sigh*) Athalar. Every new revelation only brings on more questions and doubt about her deceased friends, and unravels a dangerous path that goes much deeper and steeper than they had imagined.  In this adult fantasy, Maas has amassed all kinds of supernatural creatures, such as Fae, Angels, Shifters, Witc